Sunday School
The children’s Christian education ministry offers classroom instruction on Sunday mornings from 9:00 10:00 a.m. (beginning September 8, 2024), before the morning worship service. Classrooms are on the first floor of the Education building. Pre-K through 5th/6th Graders learn from our denominational publisher’s “Show Me Jesus” curriculum; a two-year cycle designed to teach the Bible apply the basic tenets of the Reformed faith in an age-appropriate fashion.
Nursery and Toddlers
The Nursery and Toddler ministry supports parents by providing for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs for our youngest children during Sunday school and the morning worship service.

Disability Care Team
The Disability Care Team works with families and church ministries to provide extra support, when helpful, for those with special needs. Volunteers may serve in a variety of ways, including being a 1:1 buddy, providing extra support to a specific student while serving as a classroom assistant, and spending time with a child during fellowship times so parents can more freely engage with others.
Wednesday Nights
Register HERE
Trail Life
This ministry for K-5th Grade boys meets Wednesday evenings, September-May, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. Trail Life USA's mission is to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.
Girls of Grace
This ministry for K-5th Grade girls meets Wednesday evenings, September-May, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The typical evening includes a Bible lesson, craft, game, and snack. Girls of Grace goes through a curriculum called The Biggest Bible Story.
Our Children's & Youth Music Ministry (age 4 and up) features several graded choirs and handbell ensembles that sing and ring in Sunday morning worship once per month from September through May, and in other special concerts throughout the year. Many skill levels are welcome! Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, prior to Trail Life, Girls of Grace, and Refinery.
This ministry for 6th-12th Grade students meets Wednesday evenings, September-May, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The typical evening includes a game, Bible lesson, and snacks.
Scripture Memory Program
May God's Word become sweeter than honey and more precious than gold as we memorize it together. Students who have memorized their assigned verses and catechism questions by May 25, 2025 will receive a prize. Click on the Bible to open the Scripture Memory Scope and Sequence document.
Discipline Guidelines
Our goal is to have a safe, welcoming, and loving environment for every child. Parents, teachers, and children should review the PPC Discipline Guidelines and encourage loving and respectful behavior in the classroom. Click on the heart to open the document.
Resource Room
We are pleased to offer discounted books in our resource room that are helpful and appropriate for parents and children. Please browse our available books by clicking the bookmark on the left. In addition, listed are great websites for book and music resources.