
Music and Discipleship

growing Musically so that we may Worship God with greater fervency and understanding

The music ministry at Proclamation is an important part of our congregation’s lives. Whether in congregational singing, or in choir, or in one of our instrumental ensembles, we engage our whole person when making music—emotionally (heart), thoughtfully and with excellence (mind), and artistically (spirit).

Our ensembles regularly lead in worship and include the Chancel Choir (high school-adult), Orchestra (high school-adult), handbell choirs for all ages and abilities, and graded children's choirs. They rehearse to become better singers and players—not only for their own sake, but so they may better encourage and lead the congregation in their worship—and we encourage our children and youth to participate in the graded choirs and ensembles, so that they may grow as worshipers from a young age. As our congregation sings hymns old and new in worship, and our ensembles refine their techniques in rehearsal, we hope our musical worship continues to grow in faithfulness and fervency as we make melody to our infinite God.

Chancel Choir

Adults and Youth (High School)

The Chancel Choir sings in Sunday morning worship September­-May, occasionally in worship during summer months,  and also sings in several special events and concerts each year. Participation is open to all adults who desire to grow as singing worshipers and to lead worship Sunday mornings. New singers can join at any time of year.

Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. (childcare is provided). Special events the Chancel Choir participates in include our annual Christmas and Palm Sunday concerts, Reformation Sunday and Christmas Eve services, and for the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology Saturday evening service.


For All Ages and Abilities

Bells have been part of Christian worship services for centuries—from calling communities to worship, to cacophonous rejoicing, to mournful tolling. Proclamation’s handbell ensembles help lead our congregation in worship throughout the year.

Soli Deo Gloria is our advanced handbell choir, open to anyone high school age and older. They rehearse weekly on Wednesday evenings and play in Sunday morning worship monthly. They also play for occasional special services and events. We also have handbell ensembles for less experienced musicians desiring to grow in their basic skills; some rehearse on Wednesday evenings (handbell bootcamp), and some Sundays after worship (hymn ringers).


Adults and Youth (High School)

The Proclamation Orchestra is an ensemble of volunteer musicians who lead our corporate worship by accompanying hymns in morning worship once a month. They typically play on the 3rd Sunday of each month. They rehearse at 9:00 a.m. on each Sunday they play. Ensemble members are given their music one week in advance for practice purposes. Musicians who have experience playing an orchestral instrument are always to join the ensemble. Pre-high school instrumental musicians are invited to play for Dr. Kelly and consider playing as part of a future Sunday p.m. worship service.


Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

Our Children’s Music Ministry is designed to equip all children with the skills to musically worship the Lord comfortably and confidently at church and at home. In leveled choirs, children and youth will develop healthy singing voices, learn to ring handbells, improve musical skills, and gain experience reading music notation. Participants in choir and handbells will experience the strong spiritual, musical, and social benefits of working together in a community of faith toward a common goal as they unite their hearts to sing in worship services, communicate the grace of God, and participate in musical fellowship with the congregation. All are welcome to attend our program free of cost.

The Proclamation Organ

The Lord has richly blessed our church with a Casavant Frères organ that is the primary accompanying instrument for our worship. For more information about the instrument, including a stop list, click below.

Questions about Music Ministry

If you'd like more information or would like to participate, please reach out.