Weekly Update

View our weekly announcements below!
February 9 Winter Weather Notification
Due to the snow and ice, our morning prayer meeting and Sunday School are cancelled for February 9. There is no change to children's choir and other music call times. Join us for worship in person or via live stream.

February Youth Events
All middle and high schoolers are invited to our February youth events! Our youth group girls will be having a Galentines day event on February 15th from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The guys will be having a hang out at the church on February 17th from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Please RSVP for these events by emailing Antonio (antonio@proclamation.org).
Eagles Meeting • February 21 
Eagles, our ministry for seniors, will meet Friday, February 21 from 10 a.m. - noon. We look forward to hearing from CityTeam ministry. Contact Dan Brubaker at (570) 772-9739 or danbru2805@gmail.com with any questions.

Concert: Ádám Tabajdi, organ • February 28 
As part of our annual concert series, hear Proclamation’s 44-rank Casavant Frères pipe organ played by internationally acclaimed Hungarian organist Ádám Tabajdi. He will perform exciting classical and modern works for organ, including those by J. S. Bach, Franz Liszt, and César Franck. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. and is free.

Kids Camp 2025 - Servants Needed  
Kids Camp 2025 is in the planning stages! The dates are Monday to Friday, July 14-18 in the mornings. We need leaders for games, crafts, music, snacks, camp counselors, and many assistants! Youth must be finishing 6th grade to help out. All ages and gifts are needed to bring VBS to life! Email emily@proclamation.org by February 28 or sooner if you are able to serve as well as your preference for class/position.  
Support Our Missionaries  
Proclamation has the privilege of supporting 29 missionaries around the world. Please consider supporting the work of the Great Commission by committing to pray for our missionaries and by financially supporting the Missions Fund. Please remember that the Mission Fund is separate and distinct from the church's Operating Budget. You can give to the Missions Fund online or by writing 'Missions' on the memo line of your check.  

Important Church Notifications 
Proclamation church and our ministries send emergency notifications, announcements, and other ministry news through the Proclamation App. To be sure you do not miss emergency notifications, such as cancelation of worship services or mid-week activities, download the app and make sure notifications are turned on. You may download the app on either your phone or tablet. To permit notifications from the app: Open the app>tap the upper right button>scroll down to app settings>turn on notifications (“general” is the most important). Make sure notifications are turned on in your phone settings as well. If you have any questions, please speak with Kerrick, Kristen, or Jonathan.
Note: Due to an app refresh, all users may need to refresh notification permissions. If you’ve had the app for a while, even if you previously permitted notifications, please make sure they are still permitted.

2025 Prayer Guides
At the beginning of 2025, Proclamation’s Session and Ministry Staff at aim to foster a greater focus on intentional prayer for our church family. We hope that the 2025 Prayer Guides will help each individual grow in this essential spiritual discipline. Pick one up from the tables in the narthex today. Throughout the year, we will recommend books, provide resources, and host monthly prayer nights to encourage a deeper reliance on the Lord in our prayer lives.

Wednesday Night Activities • 
Dinner starts at 4:45 p.m. If you plan to attend, please register by signing up on the app under the “Thrive” tab, or by emailing Noelle Kelly (noelle@proclamation.org).  SIGN UP FOR DINNER HERE
Ongoing events

Wednesday Family Nights

Make plans to join us on Wednesday evenings. Dinner is served from from 4:45 - 6:30, and there are music, discipleship, and fellowship opportunities for all ages.

Parents, visit proclamation.org/wednesday to sign up for Wednesday night ministries.

Many volunteers help with dinner on Wednesdays. Contact Noelle Kelly (noelle@proclamation.org) if you’re able to help with set-up, serving, or clean up once a month.
Help is also needed on Wednesday evenings to monitor the doors during our evening activities. Please contact Mike Martin (martinme@aol.com) if you are able to help or to learn more.

Our ESL ministry serves individuals from all over the world. Contact Lynne Frey (lynnefrey@me.com) to learn more.

Music Ministries
Our Wednesday music ministries for children (age 4) through adults begins this Wednesday! We hope you’ll join us as we begin another year of worshiping the Lord through music. For more information, please see below: 

Chancel Choir - Our Chancel Choir (9th grade-adult) rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 and sings in Sunday morning worship and occasionally for special events. Singers are welcome to join as their schedule allows. For more information, contact Ryan Kelly (ryan@proclamation.org). 

Children and Youth Music - Children’s music classes for pre-K through high school have started and will meet back up this Wednesday, January 8th at 5:30 p.m. and include choirs, hymn classes, and handbell ensembles. Register on the app at Thrive|Children’s and Youth Ministries Registration. For more information, contact Ruth Thompson (ruth@proclamation.org).

Orchestra Proclamation’s orchestra plays for Sunday a.m. worship once per month. If you are high school age through adult and play an orchestral instrument, please contact Caleb Thompson (caleb@proclamation.org) to express interest. Pre-high school instrumental musicians are invited to play for Mr. Thompson and consider playing as part of a Sunday p.m. worship service.

Soli Deo Gloria Ringers - Our handbell choir Soli Deo Gloria rehearses on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Opportunities for ringing are available to those little to significant experience. For more information, contact Sandy Martin (sandy@proclamation.org).

Children and Youth Ministries

Nursery - The nursery and toddler rooms are in need of additional servants to care for our littlest covenant children. Please talk to Emily Woo (emily@proclamation.org) about serving our church family in this way. Thank you!

Email Prayer List
Proclamation is a praying church. One way we can pray for each other is through the email prayer list. Members can submit prayer requests by emailing prayer@
proclamation.org with their request. It then is sent to those who have committed to praying for these requests. If you want to pray for the needs of the church by receiving messages, simply email “Subscribe” to prayer@proclamation.org and you will be added to the recipient list. All prayers are screened by a Proclamation staff member and there is a short list of guidelines that can be found on our website. proclamation.org/prayer

Give Online
Did you know you can give online? Did you know that the missions budget is separate from the operating budget? Did you know you can pay for those going on missions trips or give to the compassion fund online? Consider setting up an account online at

CityTeam urgently requires donations of hot and cold cereal, complete pancake mix, pasta with sauce, toddler-sized clothing (both new and gently used), as well as toiletry items for both men and women. Kindly place all donations in the donations room.